7 Must Have Gadgets For A Vlog Channel

What are the must haves for aspiring bloggers and video bloggers? First thing to remember is that readers want a human contact with the vlogger. By making sure they get that human touch you can build your trust and credibility as a vlogger, which in turn will help them to subscribe to your channel easier and quicker. You do not have to spend a bomb on fancy gadgets to attract readers to your blog. In fact you can start with very basic things that will help you promote yourself and build your readership. Here are a few must haves for vlogging and YouTube videos.

Must Have iPhone Apps – Almost all vlogging and video blogs today have incorporated an Apple iPhone in some way or another. One of the best uses for your iPhone is for promoting your vlogs. Some bloggers prefer to use a whiteboard so they can add a text box, but this takes away from the overall visual appeal and makes it difficult to keep up with the other vlogging channels on YouTube. I recommend that you invest in a free html editor such as Firebug or ZenCart so you can easily paste and resize images and videos as needed. Having an iPhone app for your blog is definitely a must.

Must Have Tripod With Good Features – A tripod is essential if you plan on shooting video clips with your iPhone. There are different types of tripod available, ranging from those that are extremely cheap and break easily to those that are quite expensive but provide fantastic features. Some of the most common tripod types that vlogging gurus recommend are the ones made by Agfa, Sanyo, Canon, Kodak and HP. The reason you want a tripod with good features is because it is useful for lots of different purposes including shooting, editing and uploading videos.

Must Have Video Editing Software – Unless you are using a very complex vlogger you probably won’t need professional video editing software. However, most vlogging gurus recommend that you purchase some video editing software because it makes editing easier. You can also find free video editing software online. There are many different aspects to be taken into consideration when selecting a vlogger video editor, so be sure to do your research before making a purchase. Also, keep in mind that you will want to use different cameras and lens for different purposes, so make sure to get the right equipment.

Must Have Apps – Most people think that all vlogging gadgets are just fancy software that they use to record videos. This is simply not true. Most people who are active in vlogging use these gadgets to enhance their videos. For example, you can use a vibrating mouse to click over body parts that you would rather not show on a normal video. In addition, you can add cool effects and transitions with a simple touch of a button.

If you are new to blogging as a hobby, you will want to start off with a simple vlog channel. As you become more experienced you can branch out and invest in more advanced tech. However, always remember to update your uploads with informative content, otherwise your channel will lose it’s subscribers.